Minnesota Food Coalition
What is an Independent Expenditure?
The Minnesota Food Coalition, an independent expenditure committee, has been formed to assist in electing pro-food industry candidates in Minnesota. The Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (588 U.S. 310) U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2010 forever changed political campaigns. Corporations, associations, and labor unions can now form political independent expenditures (IE), creating an avenue for businesses to contribute to political activity. This new tool has been embraced by progressive groups in Minnesota.
The Minnesota Food Coalition is a Minnesota-based Independent Expenditure Political Committee created by the Minnesota Grocers Association to educate voters on the importance of electing pro-industry candidates. No contributions are made to candidates, and the Minnesota Food Coalition does not coordinate any communications or activities with candidates. Contributions are accepted from corporate funds AND personal funds; contributions over $200 are disclosed. Your donation is an investment in your business. As the new laws from one-party control are implemented, consider the direct impact on your bottom line. How much are you willing to invest in change? Invest today!